Saturday, March 19, 2011

The Seventy Eighth, Mar. 19, 2011

Sunshine warms the grasses
too long hidden by the snow
a new growth begins to rise
and with it lift my hopes

a small yellow glow is seen
peeking above the brown
as the first flower of spring
the prolific dandelion

do not despise this weed
for it is a gift to us, you see
as the flower petals gathered
creating a refreshing wine

Friday, March 18, 2011

The Seventy Seventh, Mar. 18, 2011

My poor friend smiles happily
a large grin from ear to ear
as he describes his family
and the love that fills them

He laments not having wealth
to spend lavishly on them
to buy the gifts he wishes
hoping to make life better

he sees the wealthy man
as the definition of success
having all he can want
and thinks there is happiness

My rich friend smiles drunkenly
slurring through another drink
describing his latest conquest
more personal wealth acquired

then tears fall from his eyes
as he laments his family lost
traded away for his career
not having those special times

he sees the poor man
as a lesser man then he
deeming him a failure
based on material gains

I see two very different men
focused on their own needs
one living for his family
the other for his wealth

One claims to be a success
the other seems to agree
I see things differently
as the roles are reversed

the poor man has found it
that great true value of life
the rich man cannot buy it
alone at the end of it all

find the source of real happiness
and the treasure will be yours
one thing that stays with you
the one true sign of success

Thursday, March 17, 2011

The Seventy Sixth, Mar. 17, 2011

And so it was on that day
I took into my home a boy
lost he was, taken from his
sold into a life far removed

to him I gave food and drink
shelter and a job fill his days
gifted him with our language
showed to him our custom

His thanks I expected not
'twas not for gratitude done
was not with kindness given
nor was he despised by me

he fled one night from me
seeking his own people
returning once more home
and so the story should end

but not so for this one lad
and his return heralded evil
as he sought to destroy us
taking away our culture

he had never been denied
and often practiced his faith
praying morning and night
steadfast alone he stood

he returned to us once more
repaying us as he believed
in the name of his church
under the name of their god

you no longer see us today
though him you venerate
calling him a saint for his acts
driving out an ancient culture

celebrate the birthday well
of the man who drove us out
we are the snakes you despise
we were the Druids of the Celts

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

The Seventy Fifth, Mar. 16, 2011

panic rises fast within
as a bright light blinds
heat radiates from it
what new hell it this?

now light gets brighter
the heat grows stronger
eyes watering freely
blinded and frightened

how long can this last
as torture pushes limits
madness coming soon
as sanity melts away

wait, the light dims!
eyes can actually see!
warmth soothes not burns
It is only long lost sunshine!

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

The Seventy Fourth, Mar. 15, 2011

Japanese nuclear reactor melt down
North African government melt down
US state budget debate melt down
welcome to the new global warming

Monday, March 14, 2011

The Seventy Third, Mar. 14, 2011

What good the system
which offers a chance
to blame the victim
rather than protect them?

children used as excuses
to justify the base animal
declaring them the cause
for adults' inhuman acts

are we so truly pathetic
that we blame another
for our own deprivations
to avoid responsibility?

How sad a statement
of where we have gone
of what we have become
if this is our  evolution....

Let me be a chimpanzee .

Sunday, March 13, 2011

The Seventy Second, Mar. 13, 2011

A Poem From Max

I woke up this morning
with a deep concern
for the world around me
ooooo a car next door!!!!

The situation with weather
has altered a great deal
from the norm I recall
Was that a dog over there?????

Events in the Near East
have been continuing
as they come to a boil
I smell BACON!!!!!!!!

The economy is easy
I will explain how to fix
the swelling deficits