Saturday, July 23, 2011

The Two Hundred Fifth, July 23, 2011

there are times in life
for nearly each of us
when nothing fits
and sense is cast off

ashes fill the soul
in depressions' grasp
emptiness so vast
it consumes all else

despair has a firm grip
cold claws of doubt 
dig deep into the spirit
seeking total control  

fears assail in the cold
draining our hopes
stealing confidence
draining the goodness

is the path still here
even in the void
that leads the steps
back into the light

can we find it alone
will we need a guide
a hand to lead us
can we trust them

this journey has turns
twists and valleys
mountains and seas
each a new obstacle

I wish I knew how
to pass through each
and share the wisdom
with all that follow

but once more the time
to turn forward a new
step into the next
and learn from the past

hold on to the memory
learn the lessons of each
trial and tribulation
continuing on to the light

I need to remember
remaining dedicated yet
to this road I am taking
to discover my true self

taking the next step slowly
but still I am moving
one step at a time
the journey continues ...

Friday, July 22, 2011

The Two Hundred Fourth, July 22, 2011

take a pill for this
and another pill
to take care of that
one more needed yet?

yes, one to handle
the greater risk of...
is that really a risk?
why would you ask?

the first does A
the second does B
the third counters
both A and B adding C

it would take others
like D, E and F
to counter the extra
of the wonderful C

so tell me Doc, why?
if A+b = C, do I want C?
I know I do not want D
there is no choice

Gods bless the medical system.... it needs it

Thursday, July 21, 2011

The Two Hundred Third, July 21, 2011

slowing progress
delaying failure
defeating success

need to react
it is time to respond
right or wrong matters not
take a chance and trust

there is no room now for delay
time has past to wait
put aside disagreements
and do the task at hand

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

The Two Hundred Second, July 20, 2011

I look in my pocket
and nothing is there
perhaps in the other
still empty hands

where could it be now
for I know it was here
somewhere close by
never out of reach

not on any of the tables
didn't get left on a chair
the dogs won't take it
so where could it be

I hate losing my train of thought....

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

The Two Hundred First, July 19, 2011

how would you describe yourself
if you were given just one chance

would you be strong and sturdy
like a great and powerful oak tree

would you be kind and gentle
like an early morning spring rain

would you be loud and overbearing
or would you be meek and timid

I want to stand tall and straight
strong before the winds that come

providing shelter from the storms
and shade from the heat of the day

like the mighty oak in the forest
never loud but always there

Monday, July 18, 2011

The Two Hundredth, July 18, 2011

tomorrow will soon be yesterday
and yesterday was once tomorrow
but what does this really mean
when I am stuck here in today?

I make my plans for yesterday
never sure there will be more
no sense worrying about it
when it will change as needed

now is the time to relax a minute
and listen to the sounds of silence
reminding me there is nothing
that is worth the worry anyway

I will let tomorrow have its way
not interfering with it in any way
as now I can clearly understand
it doesn't matter, it will never come

Sunday, July 17, 2011

The One Hundred Ninety Ninth, July 17, 2011

do we ever really know
who our truest friends are
until the trouble comes
and they are still beside us?

can we judge the hearts
the strength and promise
held within another
before it is called upon?

the nature of a friend
will truly be revealed
when least favorable
for them to admit us

it is my deep hope
that should you need me
in those darkest times
you will find me there