Saturday, April 2, 2011

The Ninety Third, Apr. 2, 2011

Sunshine brightens the lawn
squirrels frolicking around
those nasty evil tree rodents
tormenting the poor dogs

no, wait, no tormenting
dogs are too busy sleeping
soaking up the sunshine
it is a hard life they live

they keep vigilant watch
protecting me from harm
in the sun with eyes closed
scaring the evils with snores

I love those two clueless mutts!

Friday, April 1, 2011

The Ninety Second, Apr. 1, 2011

Do we really need a day
to honor being the fool
when we act the part
already nearly every day?

I feel the timing is wrong
we need to move this
instead of April 1st
it should be in November

The first tuesday will do
then perhaps for a change
we would fall for the prank
and elect a worthy one

Thursday, March 31, 2011

The Ninety First, Mar. 31, 2011

you look my way but do not see
I watch your eyes lose focus
you deliberately see beyond me
though you may not even know

you look away as you approach
moving nonchalantly to the side
avoiding any chance of contact
as though I am a fatal a disease

You assume I am nothing
you assume I have no value
you assume most incorrectly
but you are too blind to see

yet you do not even know me
have never seen me before
you judge on your impression
revealing your ignorance

I am a person the same as you
not worse, but perhaps better
I understand my blindness
and so I seek to open my eyes

and so before you judge another
you need to look with your heart
not with your distorted glasses
of biased social misconceptions

when you find the true value
you may be shocked to see
that the value is not within you
but is found in things you miss

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

The Ninetieth, Mar. 30, 2011

Dear Founding Fathers
Oh! how you are missed
as democracy bends over
without even being kissed

Your pains and struggles
are fading from our sights
as we knuckle under fears
signing away our rights

Fear of failed Wall Street
the illusion of free money
fear of failed economy
no more milk and honey

fearing hostile agressions
from foreign extremists
never thinking to fear
those within our midst

we've lost the words of F.D.R.
or put them on a shelf
"The only thing we have
to fear is fear itself"

Where are our heroes
Jefferson, Henry, Paine
with words of fiery zeal
and give us courage again

We the People of These United States.....

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

The Eighty Ninth, Mar. 29, 2011

what is in your heart
what is in your wallet
which is more important
and who really cares

my heart is full
my wallet empty
and I know I care
I like my priorities

Monday, March 28, 2011

The Eighty Eighth, Mar. 28, 2011

have you ever watched:
a kitten play with string?
a puppy chase its tail?
a foal kicking up heels?

have you ever heard:
a baby giggle?
a toddler sing?
a preschooler laugh?

these sights and sounds
can so fill our lives
if we stop and let them
reminding us to have fun

life is not so important
to hurry through so fast
that we don't take time
to giggle, sing and play

Find your inner child
and hold on to it tightly
hugging the innocence
and feeling the wonder

never let yourself grow
so far distant and cold
but remember the child
and live the joy of life

Sunday, March 27, 2011

The Eighty Seventh, Mar. 27, 2011

morning news from around the world
showing events in far distant places
telling of people I will never know
yet the stories effect my life as well

freedoms sought with desperation
fighting long odds and tradition
seeking a way of life unknown
a region in turmoil hoping for peace

the struggle is universal and eternal
sought though never fully achieved
true freedom, the impossible dream
and yet we continure the fight

sadly some no longer believe in it
and sell theirs for imagined wealth
giving away rights to feed the greed
and new power mongers surface

the vicious cycle begins again
where once we were so close
and freedom yet again slips away
tyranny born of the lust for power

And so the world turns on