Saturday, February 12, 2011

The Forty Third, Feb. 12, 2011

Emptiness now reigns
silence the only content
where once was filled
with smiles and happiness

no sadness for the loss
fond memories remain
a friend has left us
and shall be missed

but now the process starts
to fill that void again
and choices call out to us
seeking to be chosen

how sad is the sound
when tap runs empty
how sweet to hear
the keg refilled anew

there is great joy in hobbies
to create a work of art
hand crafting delicate nectars
how great the joy of brewing

Friday, February 11, 2011

The Forty Second, Feb. 11, 2011

Listen, dear friends... do you hear it?
The cheering of a people reaches out
the end of a regime has come
once again Egypt has been born anew

now we see the infants struggling
with new beginnings long desired
let the night echo with their cries
and may the world share their joy

Now is the time to stop our day
taking time to offer a prayer
to whatever God you believe in
that the dream of peace comes true

Thursday, February 10, 2011

The Forty First, Feb. 10, 2011

events spin wildly out of reach
no slowing down the pace
momentum continues to grow
point of no return has come

a call from the wilderness
heard around the world
shifting the foundations
and shaking the world

tomorrow, a new world
will the regime come to an end?
a new dawn brings hope
a nation holds its breath

speculation and rumors
lead the masses to believe
the future will be theirs
may freedom be theirs

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

The Fortieth, Feb. 9, 2011

How large is the world?
how small has it become?
juxtapose one on the other
identical oposites in duality

we can comunicate instantly
with others from afar
seeking details of their lives
interested in their thoughts

as we ignore those closer to us
barely grunting a quick hello
not bothering to ask questions
afraid they may stop and answer

caring for those in strange lands
feeding, clothing and housing
concerned about their education
as our own poverty levels rise

playing field is seeking a level
as all the world strives to be one
though different in every nation
and each wanting to be best

understand now our differences
know that not everyone agrees
thrive on that diversity of people
let people remain who they are

supporting the rights of all people
equally allowing for all to be free
means allowing them to be different
respecting their choice to dislike you

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

The Thirty Ninth, Feb. 8, 2011

tomorrow, the day of hopes
tomorrow, the day of dreams
tomorrow, the day it clicks
the day my ship will come in

many great plans are laid out
just waiting for tomorrow
going to do so many things
starting tomorrow....

Monday, February 7, 2011

The Thirty Eighth, Feb. 7, 2011

Technolo Gee

We have gadgets for this
there is an app for that
tablets are now computers
and phones are smart

calculators do our math
gps systems guide us
cards are swiped to pay
we tweet instead of talk

social networks everywhere
online living more and more
farmville the place to meet
personal interaction fades

we use our phones for mail
our computers to call
game systems to browse the web
plugged in and active

are we missing something
a basic part of ourselves
interaction with each other
in person face to face?

are we heading toward a future
or Terminator or Matrix sorts?
Perhaps I Robot will be tomorrow
At least until the batteries die

Sunday, February 6, 2011

The Thirty Seventh, Feb. 6, 2011

Clash of the mighty titans
two fearsome forces meet
head to head thunderous clash
the battle is now engaged

no good versus evil in this
no hero battling villain
but two seeking to be best
there can be only one

sweat, blood and tears
paid to make it this far
victories along the path
mean little without this day

winning is more than heart
training and practice and drive
it requires that something more
that takes you to the pinacle

today is their day to shine
to revel in the contest
seeking to become the best
while spectators share the thrill

living vicariously through them
feeling each blow as their own
cheering and cussing and shouting
living the dream in their hearts

others simply wait for commercials
or pretend they know whats going on
the once a year fans, the posers
who should stay in the kitchen

bring me a beer and more pizza
let the wing bones fall to the floor
chip crumbs will wait for tomorrow
for now, its game time!!