Saturday, January 8, 2011

Number 8, Jan 08, 2011

A new weekend awakens
begins with a rising sun

cup of hot coffee near me
dawns with hopes and dreams

emerging moment by moment
from the days left behind

glimmers of sunshine dancing
helping the relaxation to settle

invigorating yet soothing
just sitting and thinking

keeping them as thoughts
leaving the worries alone

Monday will be their home
not Saturday or Sunday

only weekend thoughts allowed
preventing the workday stress

quality time spent sipping
reading and letting tension fade

selfishly enjoying my own time
the world shut away for now

utopia may be only a dream
valued as an ideal, not reality

weekend mornings are close
xamples of how it could be

yellow orb crests the horizon
zealousness placed on hold

Friday, January 7, 2011

The Seventh, Jan, 7, 2011

Things don't always go right
that makes life interesting
at least that is what I'm told
but I don't know about it

is a boring life so wrong?
can't I be happy with dull?
did I ask to have thrills?
interesting is over rated

stress, pressures and anxiety
deadline real and pretend
leading to ulcers, heart attacks
and sadly even more

anxiety makes things go wrong
like male pattern baldness
and even erectile dysfunction
the circle of life continues

lets get stressed about stress
take a pill to fix A
another pill to fix B
third to fix side effects

if only things went right
we would need fewer pills
our hair would stick around
and our......

Thursday, January 6, 2011

The Sixth, 06, Jan, 2011

frail and fragile, delicate and shy
I saw the sun peeking out today
but I foolishly said hello and it fled
another three weeks of waiting

I love winter on bright sunny days
sitting in the warmth looking out
watching the ice form on the glass
not going out into it on a bet

hot cup of coffee in my hand
looking out the front window
see the neighbor with his blower
growling as he clears off the sidewalks

crystals sparkle and shimmer
ice as beautiful as diamonds
they are beautiful indeed, BUT
I would rather see sunshine on waves

I have nothing against winter
but I have nothing for it either
no point complaining about it
it will go away soon enough

every year the days last longer
yet the seasons change faster
time races past, quicker each year
but the cold stays in the joints longer

stiff and creaking, aching, slow to move
is lasting longer into each spring
I wonder when it will stretch into July
I really hate the fripping cold

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

The Fifth, Jan. 5, 2011

slave to your job
slave to fashion
salve to the clock
slave to technology

slave to gambling
slave to lust
slave to money
slave to passion

slavery was outlawed
back in 1865
cut your chains
find your life

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

The Fourth

I see her smile and feel the sun
she brightens and warms my world 
days are better with her in them
I often forget to tell her that

maybe because I am self absorbed
perhaps just clueless and unaware
it isn't intentional neglect or apathy
just something that slips my mind

I am far from perfection, I know
but her love brings me closer
it is good to know that we matter
that someone loves us for us

the time for resolutions is now
and getting in shape seems popular
it is not my belly that I need to tone
but my awareness and understanding

to say "I love you" every day
not merely in the morning or at night
but at every opportunity I find
and perhaps brighten her world too

Monday, January 3, 2011

The Third

morning rumbles in my mind
calling me to return once more
slightly awake as I face traffic
one of ten thousand faceless drones

it would seem I have been missed
all the systems are needing me
failing to log in, fail to print
failing to wake up, just like me

coffee would be good for me
but can't get away with sharing
processors get too excited
caffeine is not like RAM

printing issue solved too
it helps to have it turned on
feed it some paper to appease
then back to my cell once more

logins logins, the consistent bane
more than a week is too long
passwords did not change
but memory fails to recall

all things considered equal
it was not a bad morning
it was almost worth coming in
almost... Happy Monday, World!

Sunday, January 2, 2011

The Second

I preface this post with a reminder; most of the poems written for this year long project will be done so spontaneously and therefore will not be edited. Bear with me on this. The project goal is to get them written over getting them perfect.
Several times there will simply be the poem with no title. When that happens suggestions for a title will be welcomed in the comments.

Today the inspiration is not coming
as I stare at a page devoid of meaning
there is no direction, nothing planned
it is a feeling I expect to know well this year

With sudden clarity I see correlation
blank pages represent what lies ahead
all the ideas, hopes, and dreams are there
waiting to be revealed by the passing of time

the page may be blank, but it is not empty
thousands of paths wait, excited to see
when they are ready, the words will come
there is no way to force them before their time

such is the way of life, the path that lies ahead
we speculate and plan, we hope and dream
but nothing can be clearly read ahead
no turning to the last page, to read it first

for me, the year ahead holds challenges
it holds promises of rewards as well
and like this page, there are only ideas
tomorrow alone can understand today

journey onward, moving all the time
never sure the choices made today
will really be the best for tomorrow
means knowing that we are not perfect

accept my mistakes when they happen
look for understanding, not offer excuses
seek to improve each day and not just get by
and my future, like this page, will be filled