Saturday, October 15, 2011

The Two Hundred Eighty Eighth, October 15, 2011

so many lies are told
where do we find truth
we even lie to ourselves
then try to believe them

we learn false lessons
as others shape our life
pushing us into the box
conforming us nicely

this is not who we are
not cookie cutter people
we need not feed lies
they don't nurture us

honesty seems hardest
when we talk to ourselves
we think we know us
know every flaw and fault

these are only imagination
based on the other's ideal
formed from their lies
keeping us in their mold

find yourself instead
seek the qualities in you
not the faults supposed
dwell on your positives

their lies are a trap
only you can break free
believe in yourself first
tell yourself the truth

too many lies around us
too many seeking control
too many other agendas
too many that don't care

find your forgiveness
for yourself within you
love yourself as you are
then you can share truth

Friday, October 14, 2011

The Two Hundred Eighty Seventh, October 14, 2011

silent conversations
so many things not said
whole moments of life
passing away unheard

needed explanations lost
special plans never made
misunderstandings uncleared
hurts hidden never to heal

two sides of every coin
negative brings a hurt
sadness a feeling of loss
time let get away from us

never saying the words
we deeply wished we had
mourning those moments
but for whom do we weep

silence is not lonely
silence is not sadness
silence is not secretive
silence is not to blame

silent conversations
so many things not said
quiet moments of sharing
no words need voiced

the special look given
a special touch shared
knowing each other's mind
thoughts passing easily

the quiet of the moment
words would get in the way
feel the comfort around you
that only silence brings

do not blame the silence
if you fail to communicate
it is not the sound that is missing
it is something far more personal

Thursday, October 13, 2011

The Two Hundred Eighty Sixth, October 13, 2011

what happened to the rain?
it used to be warm and gentle
soothing the earth with its kiss
leaving everything fresh and sweet

then something happened
the wind got bolder
the rain got colder
and I got older

I swear I have pains now
places I never had joints before
I have no need for any barometer 
just try to stand up and go walking

yes something certainly happened
now the wind has a harsh bite
and the rain turned white
so I say good night

I am totally not ready for winter......

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

The Two Hundred Eighty Fifth, October 12, 2011

I thought I had a plan
a sure fire can't miss
get rich quick plan
bound to be a success

market common sense
figure out the way
to make it a soft drink
bottle and can it up

load all the pop machines
in offices malls and schools
give it away free too
because everyone loves free

get the country hooked
addicted to common sense
unable to resists logic
thinking things through

the whole nation consumed
with a need to understand
find the answers before
running off at the mouth

sales in Washington DC
would be below average
not many there would dare
jeopardize their campaign gifts

perhaps eventually a shift
leave them on the Potomac
move the real capital to Topeka
taking it back to the people

leave Wall Street alone too
let them wallow in greed
buying and selling to themselves
because we won't need them

ignore Hollywood as well
not much truth there anymore
as artificial as Capital Hill
but slightly lower pay scale

common sense tells us all
things we seem to forget
nothing is ever totally free
some one pays the price

those that pay the most
are those that have the least
capitalism works for the rich
socialism supports the poor

drink another soda and look
see if you can find the way
a solution to the social crisis
before we lose Eden once more

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

The Two Hundred Eighty Fourth, October 11, 2011

harken insanity for I do know thy name
oft its tones rolled round and through me
distraught as the lone peal of cathedral bells
being swallowed by a deep midnight fog

verily do I know thy voice as well insanity
many a time hast the whisper of it come
caressing mine ear like the sliding of silk
chills racing across skin like a spider's dance

how well I do know thine touch insanity
the cold claw of the hand falling upon me
fingers of icy dread dig deep into warm flesh
seeping to slowly fill and take hold mine mind

thy face oh gods insanity thy face I know too well
it haunts my life while I wake and slumber
image seared into memory beyond forgetfulness
grins with skeletal glee through my every thought

I feel thee in every corner of my world
constantly perching on my shoulder like a bird
eyes darting to and fro seeking a shiny
never holding long to any single thought

it is my erstwhile fear that I will become you
that my strength to resist will fade to dust
the who that I am becoming lost in chaos
but worse still I will not notice nor care

time has come to rise and fight the foe
taking arms against such foul and vile fiend
it is still mine own mind for which I fight
and once saved shall defend all others as well

there is no place for thee in my world insanity
your illusions of grandeur only seen by thee
your power the greatest falsehood you own
for thou hast none but what thou canst dream

my mind is too filled with other people's insanity.... I just want my own back

Monday, October 10, 2011

The Two Hundred Eighty Third, October 10, 2011

if it isn't broke
use a bigger wrench
then fix it a bunch
until its busted good

no letting sleeping dogs lie
innovate and improve
change the processes
to reduce productivity

the wonderful world
of micro mismanagement
the joy that fills my day
as I look for the handle

it needs to go faster
its not bad enough yet
so grab the bigger wrench
we didn't need it anyway

Sunday, October 9, 2011

The Two Hundred Eighty Second, October 9, 2011

time is drifting past
once again I wait
inspiration is waiting
just around the corner

why not just give up
just write something
toss it against the wall
turn around call it a day

would anyone mind
after all the work so far
would anyone blame me
for just one day of slack

but no it cannot happen
the ethic drives me on
demands the best of me
and nothing less will do

they may not all be great
but each will be legit
struggles though they be
the readers deserve this

and so my mind shakes
rattling the rocks inside
until at last a something
falls out through my hands

I don't know how it works
and I doubt I ever will
it is the miracle of it all
they just seem to appear

perhaps it is the project
summoning them forth
providing the inspiration
when I can see none

where ever they fall from
I know that I am glad
to see the words forming
as I enjoy this wild ride