Saturday, April 30, 2011

The One Hundred Twenty First, Apr. 30, 2011

Oh, Knowledge!
you have cursed me!!
I now know nothing
but am aware of it

gone the chances
of ignorant bliss
as my mind opens
thoughts coming to life

I must now think
evaluating my world
seeking understanding
which will not come

there is too much left
that I will never know
thanks to you however
I must keep searching

Friday, April 29, 2011

The One Hundred Twentieth, Apr. 29, 2011

reality dances
through illusions
altering the dream
shaking the truth

can dreams live
in the cold world
of truth disclosed?
is there any truth?

I see your vision
what you call true
and feel my doubts
I don't trust you

I hear your words
trying to change
the world I know
I will not allow it

these dreams are mine
you have no power
you cannot change them
as you cannot change me

go back to your world
the reality you need
and leave me in mine
a place I call home

Thursday, April 28, 2011

The One Hundred Nineteenth, Apr. 28, 2011

"who are you?"
I am a person
I have thoughts
I have emotions

"who are you?"
I am like you
I seek answers
I live with hope

"who are you?"
Why do you ask?

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

The One Hundred Eighteenth, Apr. 27, 2011

of the mind
of the body
of the heart

calling one away
off to new paths
not always safe
never as promised

so sweet the words
beguiling the ear
listen not to them
but hear your heart

politicians seek you
wooing with taint
to convince you
that they really care

tainting the truth
poisoning minds
promising lies

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

The One Hundred Seventeenth, Apr. 26, 2011

I was contemplating a rant
and decided that I can't
there is no edge in me today
instead I guess its time to play

the sun is shining for a while
it's enough to make me smile
spend the evening being lazy
until more rain makes me crazy

wind is blowing strong indeed
gusting with some intense speed
then falls off and not so bold
at least this time it isn't cold

Monday, April 25, 2011

The One Hundred Sixteenth, Apr. 25, 2011

why do we let the warmth fade
taken from us while we watch
seemingly unable to resist it
even though it is ours to have?

too often I have felt cooling
knowing it was not my own
another draining my happiness
as if to feed their own gloom

I know not how to stop this
but still I try to just the same
knowing it is my duty to stand
and hold on to what I have

happiness is far too precious
to let slip freely from my day
so I will smile and grab hold
and not let any take it from me

Sunday, April 24, 2011

The One Hundred Fifteenth, Apr. 24, 2011

time away from home
spent doing little things
hanging with the family
seeing places missed

relaxation and hugs
warm smiles shared
stories from that youth
so often misremembered

all things considered
it is time well spent
and a pleasure certainly
but still no place like home