Saturday, May 28, 2011

The One Hundred Forty Ninth, May 28, 2011

sleep, how cruel you are!
either too nice to end
or too hard to find
either way you torment

as for a lover long lost
I cry out for your embrace
desperate to hold you
as the day draws closed

elusive, temperamental
even evasive at times
yet I seek you daily
to ease my weariness

when at last I find you
you can be so gentle
soft and sweet comfort
bringing great happiness

you can be so cruel
with haunting visions
dancing in my mind
torturing for my sins

in the end casting me away
discarding me as spent
into the harsh coldness
of reality once more

I am addicted to you
though you spurn me so
leaving me confused
dazed, seeking clarity

I miss you too often
once you have left me
wishing only your return
but I must wait for you

I am helplessly yours
a toy for your whims
I feel shamed by my need
yet I will always return

sleep, how cruel you are!

Friday, May 27, 2011

The One Hundred Forty Eighth, May 27, 2011

I am lost once more
wandering aimlessly
seeking a hint of logic
seeing nothing close

too focused on today
to hold on to dreams
nothing else matters
instant gratification

feed the need of now
satisfy personal greed
only priority that counts
until it becomes too late

lost moments stay lost
hopes cast aside fade
tomorrow will come
and find us empty

but we had a good time today.....

Thursday, May 26, 2011

The One Hundred Forty Seventh, May 26, 2011

I had a dream
a wonderful dream
everything made sense
then I woke up and was here

so much for that one

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

The One Hundred Forty Sixth, May 25, 2011

a kiss
gently falls upon my cheek
small chilled wet
a kiss from God
it touches the ground
a flower grows
it brushes a child's face
dancing in puddles begins
the gift of life
held in each drop
the world lives on
life continually renewed with
a kiss

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

The One Hundred Forty Fifth, May 24, 2011

have I told you lately 
I love and adore you
that you fill my life
with sweet happiness?

have I mentioned to you
the warmth I feel inside
each time you smile
or give me a big hug?

do you know inside
I think you are sweet
wanting to be beside you
and hold your hand?

did I tell you lately
that I am thrilled by you
and cannot imagine 
you not in my life?

Yes, but never often enough....

Monday, May 23, 2011

The One Hundred Forty Fourth, May 23, 2011

I strongly require a nap!
the secret to success
comes from being happy
and that comes from a nap

recharging the energies
clearing the cobwebs
reclaiming the peace
just what the day needs

do not tell the boss
maybe close my door
like my eyes are now
hope that I don't snore.

Sunday, May 22, 2011

the One Hundred Forty Third, May 22, 2011


The end is near
the end has past
where are we now?

was I left behind
not meet the minimum
inferior or tainted

or was the mouth
calling the claim
unfit to speak?

I am relieved
glad to still be here
I like my life

so I missed the boat
it seems so did he
the second time

I am glad I am still me... are you?