Saturday, March 5, 2011

The Sixty Fourth, Mar. 5, 2011

oil dances on water
separate and above
never blending in
would it be elitist?

how different we
looking at the world
feeling above it
the masters of all?

what drives humanity
to believe we rule
over all the others
that call Earth home?

elitist species: human
control by domination
subjugation, intimidation
even our own kind

control through fear
bully and overpower
never having enough
always seeking more

seeking to be gods
believing we are
all the world a toy
meant for our ease

how hard we fight
to gain upper hand
never having enough
harmony lost in greed

we are like that oil
dancing on the top
never understanding
we can't stand alone

nurture the water
on which you dance
earn its support
by giving yours

we should live together
with the life around us
together in harmony
or find extinction alone

Friday, March 4, 2011

The Sixty Third, Mar. 4, 2011

I have nothing to write
I have nothing to say
sometimes a morning
just happens that way

still too tired to think
too asleep yet to care
finding no wisdom
or insight to share

maybe I'm broken
with creativity lost
given away too freely
never minding cost

but no, not faulty
I am still working well
at least in most areas
from what I can tell

I am just slow to stir
simply taking my ease
letting the mind wander
drifting where it please

I know I will wake
and return to my rants
calling for awareness
firing people's pants

until then, let me drift
once more into my fog
living a mental lifestyle
like my hero, my dog.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

The Sixty Second, Mar. 3, 2011

Silence weighs heavy
on the seeking mind
searching for answers
we may never find

truth hides very well
within shadowed depths
avoiding observation
hushing all its steps

Many claim to seek it
yet few press it hard
surrendering the chase
clutching but a shard

more needs to be found
captured for display
revealing hidden goals
before they get away

perhaps one called friend
revealing what they lack
as light reveals knife
moving toward your back

truth however hidden
is never truly gone
knowing we may find it
helps us to carry on

So if you find a truth
lying about somewhere
shine a light upon it
for all the rest to share

and soon with hope
all truths can be revealed
no more secret deals
will be left concealed

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

The Sixty First, Mar. 2, 2011

Sunshine and warm balmy breezes
are not in store for me yet today
but I will not give up the hope
that they will soon come my way

the arrival of spring draws nearer
with every single day that passes
soon there will be flowers blooming
and we will be cutting the grasses

with each day earth's life renewed
morning breezes with a warm touch
bring the scents of renewed growth
the time of year I love so much

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

The Sixtieth, Mar. 1, 2011

Stand firm on the left
raise your clenched fists
shout against the the right
knowing they are insane

Stand firm on the right
raise your voices and shout
call out those on the left
knowing they are insane

I stand in the middle
I raise my hands to the sky
I shake my head in shame
knowing you both are insane

Come join me, middle ground!
Stand up and be heard
it is our voice that must rise
to drown out the madness

Africa is now awakening
changes desperately needed
people claiming rights
the cradle of life once more

watch closely these people
oh developed world
feel the ground shake
as a new ideology blooms

a sweeping is coming
no carpets to hide under
every where will feel it
humanity tires of corruption

sit down on the left
sit on your hands for now
close your mouth finally
take time to listen

sit down on the right
clasp hands in your laps
make certain ears are open
hear the cries of the world

stand up with me in the middle
help wake the sleeping minds
call for accounting of power
be a vocal majority

Wake up and smell the future.

Monday, February 28, 2011

The Fifty Ninth, Feb. 28, 2011

Anxiety and stress are thieves
stealing us from ourselves
twisting the person out of shape
creating something unclean

hatred springs from fear
a man made condition
created to provide power
over those being controlled

suppression of free will
dominate and subvert
turning the beliefs around
to serve the basest needs

what gains can these have?
what good this greed
serving self at such cost?

we are united in this life
one species out in space
hurtling along on a rock
rinding it till the end

each man is our brother
each woman our sister
all part of one family
like it or not, we're blood

share with your family
open your heart to all
inside you will find truth
you are not better at all

it is time we stop the cycle
of putting down others
in attempts to feel better
about the disaster we are

life is about the living
with one common result
it all closes here sometime
and we begin all over again

you can't take it with you
but it may follow you along
so choose your baggage well
and live your life as a gift

Sunday, February 27, 2011

The Fifty Eighth, Feb. 27, 2011

no sun shining out there yet
dogs at the door want in
no thoughts inside want out
another morning comes

slow to wake up again
mentally wandering aimlessly
sipping my coffee slowly
loving quiet mornings

relaxing from the night
toiled through my sleep
tossed and turned and tossed
only still once I awoke

how like the morning
is my mind these days
slow to comprehend
moving through syrup

where is the mind coffee
that will invigorate me
and motivate the brain
cutting through the fog?

perhaps it is age slowing me
or callous apathy perhaps
deluded by the world
which around me melts

now my mind is quiet
though no longer asleep
gentled by my thoughts
finding my peace

good morning world