Saturday, September 17, 2011

The Two Hundred Sixtieth, September 17, 2011

kindness is a gift
given and received
the freer the better
yet never owned

try to hold it
and it fades away
lock it in a safe
and it will be gone

simply give it away
you will never lack
the more you proffer
the more you find

this is true value
more so than gold
your worth grows
by keeping none

giving love away
to stray puppies
has filled my heart
with their love

wake up Wall Street
here is the truth
the only investment
that really matters

and the best type of bail out EVER!

Friday, September 16, 2011

The Two Hundred Fifty Ninth, September 16, 2011

there is a place
a perfect place
a private place
it is MY place

inside my mind
I have a home
where it all fits
it makes sense

it's a happy place
warm and sunny
with balmy breezes
soft gentle waves

too bad it's lost
it seems misplaced
it was pushed aside
by cold reality

stress is the foe
pressing in on me
forcing wakefulness
stealing my dreams

I know that its there
that wonderful place
still hidden inside
tucked safely away

it needs to be found
taken from mothballs
restored to the light
rescuing my sanity

I doubt even CSI could rescue that.....

Thursday, September 15, 2011

The Two Hundred Fifty Eighth, September 15, 2011

I was just recently asked
was I losing my memory
I can't remember by whom
I have no idea why they asked

I think I remembered my
what was it I needed
but I have whatever it was
I put it right over there

did I mention to you yet
that some one was asking
only just the other day
was I losing my memory

now where did I put that
what is it called again
oh well never mind
it will turn up again soon

I miss my mind, where ever I left it....

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

The Two hundred Fifty Seventh, September 14, 2011

one of life's great pleasures
is found in the simple nap
granting the body a rest
letting the mind unravel

the warm gentle peace
of such a blissful escape
letting the pressures fade
finding relaxation at last

cannot be for too long
the world will not wait
we need to get back to it
but oh for a moment...

I need a nap right about now.... again

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

The Two Hundred Fifty Sixth, September 13, 2011

I have a very dear friend
hard to believe I know
her story asks a question
no one wants to address

she is trying to recover
following heart surgery
it is not going very well
she struggles each day

bills take all her money
weakness drains her too
unable to do very much
self-esteem taken away

wondering every morning
if today is her last day
will she have more life
ever able to live it again

television adds insult
floating across the screen
the face of Dicky appears
her tax dollars at work

She struggles for treatments
he has all the best care
she can't make appointments
he has doctors come to him

she has not shot a friend
she did not begin any wars
only supported a nation
that is turning their back

we conveniently forget
those that need our help
wounded veterans, the poor
lost children, and homeless

where are the priorities now
that hypocrisy becomes law
care only for the wealthy
providing for their greed

compassion is left behind
the charge of those who care
typically poor themselves
yet they can still find ways

shame upon the narrow
the greed filled and blind
who only seek their pleasures
missing the real point of life

I will pray for my friend
giving the hope that I can
knowing how she struggles
as I cry at the injustice of greed

Monday, September 12, 2011

The Two Hundred Fifty Fifth, September 12, 2011

The question I'm asked all the time
is why is it my poems don't rhyme
the answer is easy you see
that style doesn't appeal to me

I speak the thoughts in my mind
which are often quite hard just to find
if you look just to find the measure
you will certainly miss the treasure

chaotic eruption of thought
feelings explode into words
images composed in the mind
flashes of insight beyond intent

deeper meanings reveal themselves
hidden away beneath the surface
most unintended when written
subconscious message to conscious

this is a secret I freely will share
the meanings I didn't put there
reveal things even to me
that I didn't imagine to be

messages mixed between the minds
the private speaks to the public
amazing the hand that wrote them
too productive to be an accident

a new revelation on the journey....

Sunday, September 11, 2011

The Two Hundred Fifty Fourth, September 11, 2011

first comes the weight
feet and legs of lead
then the rest follows
the body starts to fight

icy hot chills and sweat
unable to get warm
unable to cool down
shaking from the chills

sneezes and coughs
with nose too plugged
your only breathing
is wheezing gasps

temperature climbs
eyes won't stay open
but still you can't sleep
colds are sheer torture