I decided to begin the Project with one I wrote a few months back. The theme fits well with the concept of the project. And now, the first poem:
The Edge
It has been a long walk
a dusty, dry and meandering walk
an often dark and lonely walk
a tiresome and directionless walk
I suddenly find a cliff before me
a high, jagged and windy cliff
there is no other side in sight
there is no bottom visible below
The edge lies clear before me
the path of my past behind
I cannot see anything around me
I fear that nothing is all there is
Could this journey be so empty
devoid of reason or purpose?
Why have I walked so far?
why have I endured so much?
Understanding comes to me finally
standing alone upon the brink
A profundity stirring and shaking me
Eyes are opened, both without and within
I do not need to see the bottom
for that is where I started
I do not need to see behind me
for that I have already passed
But what of the other side?
should not the path be there ahead?
a smile comes to long stern lips
as once more realization dawns
The far side is still unknown to us
the future cannot be studied from afar
the path does not yet exist
for the choices have not yet been made
The cliff is not the end of my road
the cliff is just a stopping place
to rest the mind and spirit
and prepare for the next step
Now I stand and step to the edge
boldly looking into the unknown
take a deep breath to steady nerves
and step boldly forward into.....
I made a pledge to myself to write a poem a day for the entire year. Now to follow through. I preface this with a reminder; most of the poems written for this year long project will be done so spontaneously and therefore will not be edited. Bear with me on this. The project goal is to get them written over getting them perfect. Several times there will simply be the poem with no title. When that happens suggestions for a title will be welcomed in the comments.
Well done! I very much like this poem. Looking forward to reading more. :)