Friday, February 4, 2011

The Thirty Fifth, Feb. 4, 2011

Sunshine finally outside my window
dazzling my eyes as is dances
glittering off the snow piled about
millions of diamonds for the senses

the true bright spots of the day
dazzling rainbows shining
bright colors shimmer and race
bouncing over my walls

it is a feel good, happy change
sitting in a nice warm room
looking out at the frigid cold
while sipping hot coffee with a sigh

winter is not so bad this way
but soon will be time to walk
heading out into the biting cold
with the brightness in my eyes

how sad the way opinions change
as the same situation can reverse
from happy giggles and smiles
to muttered growls and frowns

everything remains the same
only perspective has changed
as by going out into the cold
the comfort zone is left behind

1 comment:

  1. this poem is brilliant as it takes on nature and the nature of mankind. I wouldn't change a thing. One of your better creations!!
