Thursday, March 10, 2011

The Sixty Ninth, Mar. 10, 2011

Common sense, oh common sense!
Wherefore art thou, common sense?
I mourn the loss of you in my life
like a lover stealing away my heart!

I feel a whisper of your presence
and turn with hopes of finding you,
only to have them dashed again
as I find only cheap impostors.

Oh how I yearn for your embrace,
to hold you once more in my mind
and know the comfort you offer!
Life is cold without you, my desire!

I know why you hide yourself away.
You have felt the sting of rejection!
Many others overlook and ignore you
seeing only their heart's desire, Greed!

I beg you to return once more to me
that I may bask in your wisdom
and learn life's lessons at your feet
that I may become as you wish me,

Sane in an insane world....


  1. As my grandmama used to say, "Common sense ain't common."

  2. There are so many "opposites" of common sense, I fear: one is greed...let's name more. Today I have none to offer as a starter list...please help.
