Friday, June 17, 2011

The One Hundred Sixty Ninth, June 17, 2011

wouldn't it be wonderful
if we could just sort of fly
not into the clouds above
no need to go that high

but just above the roofs
to see our lives below
understanding the walls
seeing how far they go

we could find the path
a trail through the maze
leading to the outside
and all the future ways

only to see whats there
never to try and cross
going too far too soon
could lead to tragic loss

perhaps its best we can't
and must continue blind
stumbling along the path
not sure what we will find

I will not put on the wings
and will stay down here
living it all day by day
stepping forward, no fear

a branching in the road of my life


  1. Very whimsical. I may not relate to it today because, perhaps, I am fighting it.

  2. Wouldn't we love to know the future? Smiles. I wish.
