Monday, August 1, 2011

The Two Hundred Fourteenth, August 1, 2011

there are places I remember
as well as times I can recall
I can see faces in my mind
I hear sounds of yesterdays

hauntingly clear at times
or vague as winter's fog
always there are spaces
where nothing seems to be

that used to make me worry
something in me was wrong
to have so much missing
the moments lost in time

now I see things differently
there is nothing defective
I am not meant to look back
but to see the path ahead

too much road lies ahead
to have eyes looking back
I am meant to make memories
to enjoy when the path ends

for now I find contentment
recalling the bits that I can
shaping the joys of today
with tools given yesterday

tomorrow is time enough
for recalling the steps taken
until then I look forward
sure there will be no lament


  1. How many memories did you make today, everyone???

    When we talk about memories and time, it makes me think of old people. In truth, creating memories begins so spontaneously in the young. Thinking back in time, for children, is difficult work takes a great deal of effort. Be open to others as they create memories for us; think about someone other than yourself and create memories for others (please).

    The concepts in this poem are gentle but extremely powerful. thank you

  2. Some memories are etched in our minds because they are what we hold close to our hearts. There are good and bad memories for everyone of us but whether they hold pain or happiness it is the past and I agree with you that we should always look forward.
