Friday, September 16, 2011

The Two Hundred Fifty Ninth, September 16, 2011

there is a place
a perfect place
a private place
it is MY place

inside my mind
I have a home
where it all fits
it makes sense

it's a happy place
warm and sunny
with balmy breezes
soft gentle waves

too bad it's lost
it seems misplaced
it was pushed aside
by cold reality

stress is the foe
pressing in on me
forcing wakefulness
stealing my dreams

I know that its there
that wonderful place
still hidden inside
tucked safely away

it needs to be found
taken from mothballs
restored to the light
rescuing my sanity

I doubt even CSI could rescue that.....


  1. Stress is an enemy, agreed.

    I like the way this poem keeps to rhythm, with short phrases. It adds to the feeling of sanity lost.

  2. Stress is indeed our enemy. I am trying my best to keep it at bay hence my bumming around.
