Tuesday, September 6, 2011

The Two Hundred Forty Ninth, September 6, 2011

where are you supposed to go
after already finding your home
is this the end of the journey
or merely the start of the next

there is no completion after all
the path continues on and on
does it end with death or start
the next road may be the one

this life we live is a dream
the reality exists beyond
reincarnation is depressing
better to move outside this one

is there really life at all though
or is it all just a dream from above
a higher being on an acid trip
hallucinating our entire reality

life means nothing outside
the cosmos find us a blip
it is only within ourselves
that meaning becomes clear

so is there a home at all
or does the path lead on
forever onward the road
even beyond death's gate

the answer is simply yes
there is a home for all
it lies not so deep within
it is where you live your life


  1. This topic is so philosophical. What is life? What is reality? Is there life after death? Those are the perennial questions. Don't think anyone can really answer them.

  2. In the first stanza, the concept is that you have already found a home. In stanza six, the question arises, "Is there a home at all?"

    Next we have a path and a journey. In the first stanza, the assumption is that we've been on one and possibly will continue after death. Later the trip turns, potentially, into an acid trip (smiles). Again, stanza six reiterates the continuing path.

    Stanza 7 cuts through it all: It tells us to stop obsessing about the depth life seems to be and simply open up THIS moment and live it fully.

    Later editing will not find this poem lacking in heart and wisdom.
