Monday, September 3, 2012

Upon being called LIBERAL

Thank you! 

I would much rather be a liberal than a racist, narrow minded, self absorbed mouth piece echoing the mindless rhetoric of the big money greed whores that are leading the radical CONSERVATIVE push to drive MY America into a fascist state any day. Sadly, the once noble ideals of Ronald Reagan have been cast aside and are now being seen as leftist ideologies. 

There is no doubt but that the racist underpinnings of the party leadership have been behind the total refusal to do anything to support the man who was elected to lead this once great nation. The shame that should be felt by those that have so actively fed the people a daily diet of fear and hate should know no bounds and yet they are not even slowing down.. No, in fact they are increasing the hype and pouring more pure fiction, distorting truth and reality to once more make the people afraid of each other. 

Barack Obama is not the enemy of America, America is the enemy of America. 

No country can ever be great when more focus is spent on providing for the wealthy and business at the expense of those that are supposed to matter. 

Destroying education to support tax breaks for corporations that send their work over seas, just so they can increase profits is not just wrong, but ignorant. Eventually we will have a vast nation of people with no jobs, who cannot hope to ever make more than minimum wage because they have no solid education, being unable to even buy those products! It is not a system that can ever hope to sustain itself. But those leading the effort know this and DO NOT CARE!!! As long as THEY have their power now. 

I personally believe that ALL people should be FREE to choose for themselves. 

NO government should ever be denying any citizen the right to the same liberties as any other citizen. THAT is not liberal, that is equality... anything else is NOT. 

I believe that any system which is designed to help the few triumph over the many is misguided, anti logical, and will fail.

So call me liberal all you want.. I look upon that as a badge of honor, a tribute to the fact that my eyes are open, that I believe in the words and the meanings of the Bible that we are to LOVE ONE ANOTHER, that we are to SUPPORT ONE ANOTHER. Even Jesus fed the hungry, and healed the sick.... and never charged them for it.

I believe that if a promise was made, a contract signed, then that contract is to be upheld... not cut after you have fulfilled your part. 

I believe that it is the duty of the individual to be honest and truthful in accepting the responsibility for their actions, not blaming someone else to make them look bad.

Further Questions from my mind...

Monday, August 13, 2012

I was looking back.... some movies just make you remember times...

the sparkle of a smile
the twinkle in an eye
the room becomes small
the world has no bounds

one face fills your vision
one gentle touch lingers
smile and caress constant
making the heart yearn

every moment spent
seeking to be together
nothing else matters
all life is in the glow

time passes too soon
vacation has to end
parting leads to promises
never to be fulfilled

separation sorrow
an emptiness appears
warm pain so sweet
filling the new void

summer romances
discovering the heart
emotional growing pains
coming of age

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

turn a blind eye
cover your ears
ignore the truth
believe the lie

listen to the money
obey your masters
do not dare to think
defend their dream

apathy will destroy
give away tomorrow
for today's illusion
ignoring the reality

sell your corrupt souls
for the hope of greed
live for the now only
there is no tomorrow

destroy the future
to enjoy the moment
pretend all is well
as the darkness falls

this is the pinnacle
the pride of humanity
civilization's glory
you can keep it

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

something new

the roar of silence echoes
emptily filling the spaces
vacated as if foreclosed
in a mind left unused

impossible to be heard
sound unable to penetrate
then how can we reach
to rescue the mind adrift

there is a need indeed
to fill the void we find
enriching imagination
feeding without sounds

it is through the eyes
dreams following maps
soaring to new heights
teach them how to read

Sunday, March 25, 2012

The path turns: new directions taken

           Recent events covered by the news media have introduced a new section of our society to the ongoing debate over ethics and morality. New voices are being heard expressing fresh perspectives as the world draws closer, getting smaller, while emphasizing our cultural differences even more. Technological changes open new instances that are far more complicated than anything that could have been considered in the past; or perhaps merely a new face to the same old arguments.
           As one of those new voices, I feel compelled to express my thoughts in my own words and using my own form of logic to chart my path through the dilemmas I discover along my path to understanding. A confession must be made at this point: I am not classically trained in the study of ethics or philosophy. I bring only a simple understanding of a few basic concepts gleaned through my studies. The question that all of these situations can be reduced to is simple enough: what is right and what is wrong. I do not believe that there will ever be a universal acceptance of any answer to that controversy. I will not attempt to convince everyone that my perspective is the only one, let alone the right one for any save myself. If there was no disagreement there could be no chance to explore another view. That would eliminate the opportunity for personal development and cultural progression. This should never happen.

Friday, March 2, 2012

waiting for the splash

feeling lost within
empty echoes rebounding
hollow mind needs filled
imagination stagnates

film on immobile water
growing thicker daily
polluting with decay
suffocating what lies beneath

something needs to enter
breaking the surface
creating those ripples
that invigorate life

waiting for the splash

Monday, January 16, 2012

For Higgins

close your eyes and sleep dear friend
close your eyes and sleep
I will hold you in my arms my friend
close your eyes and sleep
all your pain and suffering will end
close your eyes and sleep
I will stay with you even now as then
close your eyes and sleep

you filled our hearts with joy and love
close your eyes and sleep
as we know you will those hearts above
close your eyes and sleep

you are now free
run and play, dear puppy
never will you have wet feet
no more being kicked out of the kitchen
my cooking will not be the same without you
I love you, Higgins.. and I miss you already
God, take good care of my Prissy Sissy Kitty, please?
I know he will be taking good care of you in return.
Thank you.

Sunday, January 1, 2012