Recent events covered by the news media have introduced a new section of our society to the ongoing debate over ethics and morality. New voices are being heard expressing fresh perspectives as the world draws closer, getting smaller, while emphasizing our cultural differences even more. Technological changes open new instances that are far more complicated than anything that could have been considered in the past; or perhaps merely a new face to the same old arguments.
As one of those new voices, I feel compelled to express my thoughts in my own words and using my own form of logic to chart my path through the dilemmas I discover along my path to understanding. A confession must be made at this point: I am not classically trained in the study of ethics or philosophy. I bring only a simple understanding of a few basic concepts gleaned through my studies. The question that all of these situations can be reduced to is simple enough: what is right and what is wrong. I do not believe that there will ever be a universal acceptance of any answer to that controversy. I will not attempt to convince everyone that my perspective is the only one, let alone the right one for any save myself. If there was no disagreement there could be no chance to explore another view. That would eliminate the opportunity for personal development and cultural progression. This should never happen.
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