Friday, February 25, 2011

The Fifty Sixth, Feb. 25, 2011

I am a volcano
filled with fire
bubbling rage
total disgust

history means nothing
future even less
only the moment
and all that I can steal

give me power
mighty power
control of man
I am on top

I need no support
I need nothing from you
I have taken all you had
you are now meaningless

I control you
I hold your rights
I give and take
you have nothing

You thought I was for you?
to support and care for you?
that I should listen to you?
you are ignorant and naive

lift up your voice
I will not hear it
shake your fists
I will not see you

You created me and gave life
but I have outgrown you
you think to contain me
yet I am bigger than you

Surrender hope
accept your place
service to the creation
you thought would serve you

you are the masses
fodder to feed my hunger
meaningless beyond that


  1. I hear music in my head to this one and sang it immediately. This one will end up being a keeper beyond the year's time, I feel assured. All of the 365 may need editing, yes, but gems, germs, and stars seem evident.

  2. great imagery.. passion.. everything a poem should have in my opinion. I like this one.
