Sunday, March 27, 2011

The Eighty Seventh, Mar. 27, 2011

morning news from around the world
showing events in far distant places
telling of people I will never know
yet the stories effect my life as well

freedoms sought with desperation
fighting long odds and tradition
seeking a way of life unknown
a region in turmoil hoping for peace

the struggle is universal and eternal
sought though never fully achieved
true freedom, the impossible dream
and yet we continure the fight

sadly some no longer believe in it
and sell theirs for imagined wealth
giving away rights to feed the greed
and new power mongers surface

the vicious cycle begins again
where once we were so close
and freedom yet again slips away
tyranny born of the lust for power

And so the world turns on

1 comment:

  1. a very difficult topic...when one is in the midst of it...much easier after it is won...worse even when freedom is lost
