I watch your eyes lose focus
you deliberately see beyond me
though you may not even know
you look away as you approach
moving nonchalantly to the side
avoiding any chance of contact
as though I am a fatal a disease
You assume I am nothing
you assume I have no value
you assume most incorrectly
but you are too blind to see
yet you do not even know me
have never seen me before
you judge on your impression
revealing your ignorance
I am a person the same as you
not worse, but perhaps better
I understand my blindness
and so I seek to open my eyes
and so before you judge another
you need to look with your heart
not with your distorted glasses
of biased social misconceptions
when you find the true value
you may be shocked to see
that the value is not within you
but is found in things you miss
Once again, this piece has a number of twists. What stands out amongst them all is one thing: "You see the value in YOU" and that can be a good thing.