Wednesday, August 31, 2011

The Two Hundred Forty Third, August 31, 2011

consider the wonder
of the human hand
in all its many parts
the many things it does

we can bend it
wave it, shake it
twist it, wiggle it
all at the same time

we can create with it
draw and paint with it
sculpt and write with it
building works of art

we can open things
close things, tie things
zip things, rip things
we can tear things apart

we can also touch with it
reach out and care with it
holding a hand, patting a back
brushing a tear away with it

sharing our hearts with it
makes it logical to me now
to wear our hearts on our sleeve
since they end with a hand


  1. A very sweet sentiment in your last stanza. With our arms, we hold babies, lift young children, clap for others as we cheer them on, and show our love with a hug. All of us could add more to this litany and I hope we and in our mind's eye. To be a gift. Thank you.

  2. Yes indeed the human body is a miracle even though I do not have a religion :)
