Tuesday, August 16, 2011

The Two Hundred Twenty Eighth, August 16, 2011

its all those little things
that often bring smiles
making the heart light
giving the day a glow

like working it out
finding the answer
solving the big issue
without calling another

like finding the blend
of this, that and those
that gives the results
making a masterpiece

like knowing the what
even the how and why
for someone's trouble
and waiting to be asked

the greatest part though
you can share that smile
with everyone you meet
little thing becomes big

Share a smile today, make the world a better place

1 comment:

  1. I remember growing up and NOT smiling at men. First, I was afraid of them, secondly, I felt it would be considered a "come on" and...(see "first"). One day, it dawned on me, "Men might like to be smiled at. They are also people."......so I tried it, for awhile. It's still difficult for me to do such a thing, face-to-face, but I try harder nowadays. Thanks for the reminder.

    I will also look for other "little things" (a good title) today.
