Sunday, August 14, 2011

The Two Hundred Twenty Sixth, August 14, 2011

time to take a moment
and step outside the box
gaining new perspective
on the same old things

not needing that much
perhaps something small
like the tilt of the head
presenting a new angle

or closing one eye slowly
observing the changes
playing simple little games
keeping the process fun

the how is not important
it is the what that is key
discovering the changes
giving the chance to grow


  1. I made some changes today with my furniture. Now I will live with it and see what happens (my saga will continue here) *smiles*

  2. Change is the only constant and so we have to live with the changes so this is very encouraging especially to those of us who resist change.

  3. So far...the change in the furniture has caused some pain and some be continued
