Sunday, October 16, 2011

The Two Hundred Eighty Ninth, October 16, 2011

ah blessed innocence
belonging to the young
tormenting one minute
stealing our heart the next

their angelic sweetness
as eyes close in sleep
faces smooth to peace
for a moment quiet reigns

it is a common thing
not limited to humans
puppies and kittens
share this trait as well

I wonder when we lose it
what events change us
do we trade it away
for the 9 to 5 dream

I want to sleep that way
close my eyes and rest
not toss and turn all night
but sleep in innocence


  1. We ask the innocent and they answer not. We ask those who lost it and they rarely say, "I chose this path".

    I've read your last stanza many times now. I wonder what 'one' would need to add or delete from 'one's' life to accomplish that goal. I wonder if, in the end, 'one' would be glad for it.

  2. I don't think we trade it on purpose. I think it just happens to us, and then it's how we react to what happens to us - not always our choice. I have often wished I could just turn off the endless loop running in my head at the end of the day (obviously a programming error). ~Pie

  3. Think title for this poem can be Innocence. :)

  4. i see the cynic do you?
