Saturday, November 26, 2011

The Three Hundred Twenty Ninth, November 25, 2011

the ringing sound I hear
is not within my ear

it comes from a bell
and from what I can tell

the meaning seems clear
the end is now near

what end is unknown
those cards yet unshown

it portends the twin fates
built on loves and on hates

perhaps we will destroy
everything we enjoy

for the sake of our fear
held tight as though dear

fed from those outside
that we will seek to hide

wasting slowly away
less a person each day

until nothing is left slave
we are a broken slave

or better the other side
that opens the eyes wide

causing us to awaken
before all liberties taken

to battle on for our rights
that most noble of all fights

it is now time to recall
liberty and justice for all

always hearing a talking quack
both sides of their smoking crack

again there is the bell
and the story it has to tell

it tolls out a wake up call
time to wake up for us all

1 comment:

  1. The urgency reflected in the structure of the poem. Excellent.

    How many have forewarned and yet the message is never old, I'm sorry to say. Our focus seems to be widespread. In a tight community there is a division of labor. Let us not ALL choose to be the watchers and judges yet we must watch and be a judge in order to use our wisdom more fully.

    As a vocal observer, I can never say how grateful I am for all of you reading these poems (and other such words) are allowing them to touch you, move you, and provide a means of impetus for action.
