Monday, April 18, 2011

The One Hundred Ninth, Apr. 18, 2011

conversation with a ghost
whisper kissing the mind
creating never a sound
every word heard clearly

images dance in the mind
vivid clarity on pale gauze
there superimposed on here
two realities cohabitating

is sanity lost or found
when otherside merges
edges blurring with this
becoming the impossible

conversation with a ghost
recollection of dreams past
reminding of hopes distant
yet still not lost forever

conversation with a ghost
reminding of the who I am
hinting to the who I wish
showing room to grow

and so the journey continues
moving forward once again
renewed in the endeavor by a
conversation with a ghost

1 comment:

  1. ...merges edges blurring...I love how that feels and sounds spoken aloud

    a wonderful balancing act between two actions throughout

    a wonderful repetition and forward-moving playfulness

    sensitive and slightly intense
