Wednesday, September 7, 2011

The Two Hundred Fiftieth, September 7, 2011

creativity has fled
feeling no thoughts
flowing rivers are dry
even dust lies still

cannot find the spark
no muse has come
sitting alone in my mind
looking out the windows

rain falls in my mind
gray overcast thoughts
draining the energy
leaving me exhausted

I hope for some sun
to lift the blahs away
bring back the spring
letting imagination grow

I miss the randomness
of the eclectic thoughts
inspiring my dreams
feeding me words

perhaps being stable
is not such a good thing
for the overall condition
of my wild imagination

sometimes its tough to grow up.


  1. Ahhh, so that's the goal - to grow up? That last stanza, "Perhaps being stable..." is EXTREMELY good (and it almost rhymes). I love it.

    I enjoyed the way weather patterns paralleled today's mind. In truth, it should parallel electrical metaphors, I think.

  2. Did I jinxed you? Hope not.
