Tuesday, July 26, 2011

The Two Hundred Eighth, July 26, 2007

The Greatest Art

if I asked you the question
from where do poems come
what would you answer?

what of a play, a story
what of a dance, a painting
or the full symphony?

some seek to credit a muse
others some devine touch
from some great mystery

art comes from within us
each of us our own way
even if we do not see

some do magic with words
others with sounds or sights
in movement and colors

but the greatest art of all
is that of the observer
appreciating for what it is

not the high pompous words
of some self labeled expert
but those from within

finding that which pleases
your own inner taste
is the greatest of all arts


  1. I have two responses:

    First, I have an inner conflict when poetry feels like prose to me. The first stanza is a prime example, but there are many in this one. I will trust that when others tell me this is poetry and tuck away my "issue".

    Secondly, I truly appreciate reading a poem and finding, at the end a small twist I did not expect that touches me, as with this poem today. I cannot be sure it is a novel idea, but, it feels like one. It is, at least, a novel idea to me and appreciated.

    Thank you

  2. I have to agree this poem feels like prose too but I like the what this poem is trying to say.

  3. I personally believe poetry does not always need metrical structure. I admire free verse for its lack of predetermination and it works perfectly for this topic. I see poetic lines that give it form, but I hear an uninhibited expression which is exactly what the poem is trying to convey. I might suggest Voices Within as a title ... reflecting that of both the artist and the observer.

  4. Thank you Clarissa and Morgan. You both gave me more to think about.
