Thursday, July 28, 2011

The Two Hundred Tenth, July 28, 2011

have we any privacy
did we give it away
sell it to highest bidder
or let it be stollen

this is a gift from me
sharing freely with you
a glimpse of whats inside
my last private place

the world grows louder
people living their life
exposed for observation
sharing bits of themselves

ignorant calls of outrage
that an agent may overhear
a conversation on a cell phone
held in a checkout lane

it is not the agent to fear
but the id thief listening
the gossiping neighbor
spilling your secrets freely

remember when speaking
what other ears may be close
and think before you do
because I do not want to hear


  1. Ah, the irony of writing about privacy in a public forum. "this is a gift from me ... sharing freely with you ...a glimpse of whats inside last private place ... the world grows louder ... people living their life ... exposed for observation ... sharing bits of themselves" ... there are so many blogs and online journals in today's world - so many people unfolding themselves for the world to see. We balk at what can be considered "tmi" but yet have such a strong desire to be heard and seen ... particularly by those who are anonymous to us. Exceptional irony in this piece.

  2. It's another way society can show manners, if it so chooses.
