Friday, December 16, 2011

The Three Hundred Fiftieth, December 16, 2011

frustration dances around me
tension refuses to let go
stress compounded by 10
the nightmare will not end

the walls are still standing
I am composure and calm
not letting anything upset
refuse to accept reality

or else I will bloody well scream

1 comment:

  1. These darker elements seem to have a life. They dance, refuse to let go, nor will they end.

    The courage and strength within you comes from a deep place that you have seen in others around you. Fake it 'til you make it comes to mind. I believe, more so, that the strength of those around you inspire you. Good for you for looking to others to inspire you.

    Screaming comes later...when you have the time to simply disintegrate...before realizing a miracle has become a part of your history.
