Monday, March 28, 2011

The Eighty Eighth, Mar. 28, 2011

have you ever watched:
a kitten play with string?
a puppy chase its tail?
a foal kicking up heels?

have you ever heard:
a baby giggle?
a toddler sing?
a preschooler laugh?

these sights and sounds
can so fill our lives
if we stop and let them
reminding us to have fun

life is not so important
to hurry through so fast
that we don't take time
to giggle, sing and play

Find your inner child
and hold on to it tightly
hugging the innocence
and feeling the wonder

never let yourself grow
so far distant and cold
but remember the child
and live the joy of life


  1. ...and those examples are just the beginning. Let the beauty of nature, the eyes of a stranger, the hug of a friend, the artistry of sculpture, paintings, dance, music, poetry, books ((Please add more here))...inform us when we look at the more challenging parts of our lives.

  2. Sometimes we forget the little things in life that are so important to remember. You really nailed it on this one Don. Connie, I agree with you!
