Wednesday, March 30, 2011

The Ninetieth, Mar. 30, 2011

Dear Founding Fathers
Oh! how you are missed
as democracy bends over
without even being kissed

Your pains and struggles
are fading from our sights
as we knuckle under fears
signing away our rights

Fear of failed Wall Street
the illusion of free money
fear of failed economy
no more milk and honey

fearing hostile agressions
from foreign extremists
never thinking to fear
those within our midst

we've lost the words of F.D.R.
or put them on a shelf
"The only thing we have
to fear is fear itself"

Where are our heroes
Jefferson, Henry, Paine
with words of fiery zeal
and give us courage again

We the People of These United States.....


  1. ((Fiery rhetoric deserves a rhyme.))

    It sounds like a Revolution is in order. I look around to see who is documenting it. The next step might be a meeting...
