Friday, April 8, 2011

The Ninety Ninth, Apr. 8, 2011

a thousand soft cool kisses
lightly caressing heated skin
soothing the fever burning
with welcomed tenderness

anticipation grows slowly
minutes seeming to be days
and days are forever long
as winter ruled the land

today the rule has changed
spring is claiming power
temporary illnesses abound
spring fever is epidemic

morning rain lightly falls
suffering souls congregate
feeling the morning rain
as it soothes the fevers

temporary malady fades
the masses improving
until the 3:00 pm cure
its home opener in the D.

1 comment:

  1. My first thought was, "Spring has always been a wonderful metaphor for many other things. It's still true here."

    My second thought was, "This is such a personal look at Spring."

    I think, if I were to say what works best, overall, about everything that you's that you are able to make public that which is personal in a way that is not disquieting.
