Wednesday, April 6, 2011

The Ninety Seventh, Apr. 6, 2011

Kites sitting on the wind
wishing something more
wanting to dance and run
you can see it in their eyes

how like the spirit they are
held in check by a string
held in a firm strong hand
not letting go control

the string of authority
seeming to restrain us
we feel it holds us back
but it only helps us soar

the hand that holds us
leads and guides us
leads us to that place
and we sit on the wind


  1. I love this one!!! I guess I'm a sucker for "more than one meaning" in a poem. It must be that it tickles that part of my cerebrum that doesn't often get touched and so it's more sensitive to the touch. Thank you!!!

  2. I always have a kite in my car, ready to fly, now I know why....
