Sunday, July 17, 2011

The One Hundred Ninety Ninth, July 17, 2011

do we ever really know
who our truest friends are
until the trouble comes
and they are still beside us?

can we judge the hearts
the strength and promise
held within another
before it is called upon?

the nature of a friend
will truly be revealed
when least favorable
for them to admit us

it is my deep hope
that should you need me
in those darkest times
you will find me there


  1. It's heroic to be such a friend - bravery. We never know when we will be asked to be one. Were we ever asked to be such in the past and failed? Are we ashamed? We will be tested again.

    The poem provides a lesson and opens yourself to others at the same time. You are steeped in the heart of life.

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  3. Friends are great and I have had friends who were there for me when I was down. Thank you for being my friend.

  4. Thank you and you are welcome, Clarissa.
