Monday, July 18, 2011

The Two Hundredth, July 18, 2011

tomorrow will soon be yesterday
and yesterday was once tomorrow
but what does this really mean
when I am stuck here in today?

I make my plans for yesterday
never sure there will be more
no sense worrying about it
when it will change as needed

now is the time to relax a minute
and listen to the sounds of silence
reminding me there is nothing
that is worth the worry anyway

I will let tomorrow have its way
not interfering with it in any way
as now I can clearly understand
it doesn't matter, it will never come


  1. You inspire us with your perserverence. Thank you for doing this and I am thoroughly enjoying the poetry as well!!

  2. second stanza: "I make my plans for yesterday"...makes my head swirl

    This is always a difficult habit to break for us all, that is, to be "in the moment" with no regrets and no fears. But in stanza four, "I can clearly understand"...the proof is always in the pudding. We shall see. Keep us posted on that works out. Whew!!

  3. Yesterday is history, tomorrow is mystery and today is a gift that's why it is called the present. I first heard it on Kung Fu Panda and I like it and I feel that it summarises what your poem is saying :)
