Friday, October 28, 2011

The Three Hundred First, October 28, 2011

here I stand now
calling all friends
all types and kinds
real and pretends

who do you know
why do you care
is anything real
or made up of air

what is the meaning
or does one exist
do you comply
or do you resist

where do we stand
or do we fall down
are we legitimate
are we a clown

do we have hope
tomorrow will live
be brighter than now
what more can we give

I still have my heart
is yours there too
without it we lose
its your time to choose

its time to live life
feel all you can feel
breathe every breath
make your life real

so I call on you now
to look deep inside
find the you inside
come along for the ride

find your true self
and open it wide
share with the world
the treasure inside

friends live together
never just for the one
caring for the group
all more than the one

we are one people
long named by clan
the tribe before all
we do what we can

stop all the games please
there is no time for it now
you fight far too long
selfish insensitive cow

be human in all things you do, please


  1. I like this one for the rhyming and the content. Frienships are something so priceless that they should always be treasured.

  2. ...friends/pretends (now that made me smile)

    I recognize a lighthearted chattering towards the beginning and I hesitate to comment, as I tend to see deeper meanings where none may exist.

    But...I see a reflection after a gathering... reflecting on what everyone talked about and what was important to everyone. The cut-off of the reflection begins with the fifth stanza.

    As always, the heart of the matter is the heart. You invite "all of us" to be as open as you feel, at that moment.

    At the end, you remind us that the games we play, those you mentioned at the beginning...are so much less important (though wonderful distractions, by the way) to the "one" the "clan" the "tribe" that we are.

    And there it is...We cannot give up on the dream of being there for others. "Doing what we can" is what we must do. Selfishness and insensitivity are not, still not, never were, and never will be...never should be...the focus of life.

    In the end, the heart of you emerges from all this...thank you
