Tuesday, October 11, 2011

The Two Hundred Eighty Fourth, October 11, 2011

harken insanity for I do know thy name
oft its tones rolled round and through me
distraught as the lone peal of cathedral bells
being swallowed by a deep midnight fog

verily do I know thy voice as well insanity
many a time hast the whisper of it come
caressing mine ear like the sliding of silk
chills racing across skin like a spider's dance

how well I do know thine touch insanity
the cold claw of the hand falling upon me
fingers of icy dread dig deep into warm flesh
seeping to slowly fill and take hold mine mind

thy face oh gods insanity thy face I know too well
it haunts my life while I wake and slumber
image seared into memory beyond forgetfulness
grins with skeletal glee through my every thought

I feel thee in every corner of my world
constantly perching on my shoulder like a bird
eyes darting to and fro seeking a shiny
never holding long to any single thought

it is my erstwhile fear that I will become you
that my strength to resist will fade to dust
the who that I am becoming lost in chaos
but worse still I will not notice nor care

time has come to rise and fight the foe
taking arms against such foul and vile fiend
it is still mine own mind for which I fight
and once saved shall defend all others as well

there is no place for thee in my world insanity
your illusions of grandeur only seen by thee
your power the greatest falsehood you own
for thou hast none but what thou canst dream

my mind is too filled with other people's insanity.... I just want my own back


  1. High English for high drama. What an explosion of feelings, both lighthearted and extremely dark. It means many things to many people, I'm sure, but no one can face this foe in exactly the same way as you just did. Honestly, I'm shocked and amazed at this poem. The language helps one to distance one's self from the horrifying place you portray. Bravo!!

  2. Well done! Even the little shakespearean actress liked it :-)
