Thursday, November 24, 2011

The Three Hundred Twenty Eighth, November 24, 2011

time passes
but how can this be true
we hurry so fast every day
trying so hard to beat the clock
rushing ahead at breakneck speeds
only to find ourselves falling behind

time is up

time stands still
indeed time never moves
is never in a hurry for anything
it has all of itself it will ever need
yet we rush through our life day to day
always wondering where the time has gone

time out

we out run time rather than it passing us
racing to get all those little things done
things that never needed to even be
priorities backwards as a society
judging on how much is done
rather than on how well

slow down and enjoy the life you have
rather than racing around for a better one
you only have the one to work with
better to enjoy being able to have it
than to be miserable wanting more
be thankful for the time to stop

1 comment:

  1. This is one of those poems that will always be relevant to everyone. It says more than "stop and smell the roses". It says what we all forget and it says these thoughts so eloquently, especially the last stanza.

    {Editor's note: The dates don't match at the top.}
