Wednesday, September 14, 2011

The Two hundred Fifty Seventh, September 14, 2011

one of life's great pleasures
is found in the simple nap
granting the body a rest
letting the mind unravel

the warm gentle peace
of such a blissful escape
letting the pressures fade
finding relaxation at last

cannot be for too long
the world will not wait
we need to get back to it
but oh for a moment...

I need a nap right about now.... again


  1. There are days when naps are more needed than other days. It's a bit like needing a "mental health day" from work. We let life build up - or - life is very full - and we feel less than is needed to meet the challenge of the day.

    But your poem seems so much more than that. It's a beautiful gift, a "self-hug". It's gentle and warm and cozy. Very inviting...very well done.

  2. This sounds like a poem to yourself. We all need naps now and then. Naps are so essential arent they?
