Tuesday, October 18, 2011

The Two Hundred Ninety First, October 18, 2011

I am not a Brad Pitt
more like pitt bull
I see my face in the mirror
I know how I look

some will see my face
and judge on that image
not caring about truth
or the person within

I understand this too
I often feel the same
looking at that face
wondering who it is

not a pretty boy by far
more rugged than handsome
suppose Indiana was right
not the years but the milage

then there are the real
those that look closer
trusting what they see
with closed eyes instead

true beauty lies within
true cute hangs there too
where handsome swaggers
in a world too few see

trust me on this point all
it is better to look inside
see the person I am there
it causes less strain on the eyes


  1. This clearly is a "point of view" poem. If I protested, how would that affect the reflection on this poem.

    Clearly, a moment in time, with words that flow with the events of one day. Perhaps this has always been the viewpoint - perhaps not. The final note is that the inside radiates to this poet and matters to this poet. He seems to say, unless I miss the mark, that he likes the inside of himself, eh?

  2. I can't help but smile when I read this poem, especially the last stanza. Unfortunately, human beings are shallow and always get affected by appearance even in a virtual world. I know because experiments I did in the virtual world has confirmed that.
